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Location of Tudor manor house purchased by Robert Dudley in April 1579.

Lease of Drayton Bassett bequeathed to Lettice Knollys in husband Robert Dudley's will in 1588.
Lettice Knollys and Christopher Blount initially relocated from London following marriage and sale of property in Essex in 1590s.
Place of death of Lettice Knollys in 1634, aged 91yo.



Apr 1579 - Lease of Drayton Bassett purchased by ROBERT DUDLEY for £6,000.

04 Sep 1588 - Death of ROBERT DUDLEY; lease of Drayton Bassett bequeathed to widow LETTICE KNOLLYS in will; right to inherit was initially disputed but had successful claim with support from son ROBERT DEVEREUX.

c.1591 - Birth of Walter Devereux, illegitimate son of LETTICE KNOLLYS' son ROBERT DEVEREUX; Walter is reported to have been passed to the care of Lettice, and raised at Drayton Bassett.

1593 - LETTICE KNOLLYS and new husband CHRISTOPHER BLOUNT make Drayton Bassett their primary residence, having given up Wanstead Hall (in 1590) and Leicester House that year (therefore becoming 'Essex House').

c.1593 - LETTICE KNOLLYS' sister Catherine Knollys moves into Drayton Bassett, following death of her second husband Sir Philip Boteler in Jan 1592.

Jan 1601 - CHRISTOPHER BLOUNT is invited to join his stepson ROBERT DEVEREUX in London (at Leicester House), for discussions which would later develop into the attempted coup 'Essex's Rebellion'; Christopher was known to have left from Drayton Bassett.


03 May 1617 - Marriage of Frances Devereux, daughter of ROBERT DEVEREUX, and Sir William Seymour, grandson of KATHERINE GREY and EDWARD SEYMOUR, held at Drayton Bassett, hosted by LETTICE KNOLLYS.

25 Dec 1634 - Death of LETTICE KNOLLYS at Drayton Bassett, on Christmas morning, aged 91yo.


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