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15th century castle in parish of Sudeley, near to medieval market town of Winchcombe, Gloucestershire.

Gifted to Thomas Seymour, on ascension of Edward VI in 1547, with his appointment as 'Baron Seymour of Sudeley'..

Thomas Seymour and pregnant wife Catherine Parr moved into Sudeley in 1548, with Jane Grey joining Catherine's household.

Place of death of Catherine Parr in childbirth, and subsequent burial.



1547 - Death of HENRY VII and ascension of son EDWARD VI; THOMAS SEYMOUR appointed as Lord/Baron Seymour of Sudeley, and granted Sudeley Castle by Edward VI.

13 Jun 1548 - THOMAS SEYMOUR and KATHERINE PARR depart Haworth Manor, Middlesex, and travel to Sudeley Castle, in preparation for the birth of their first child (Katherine being 6 months pregnant); JANE GREY now part of Katherine's household at Sudeley (had been under wardship of Seymour since 1547 at request of father HENRY GREY).


30 Aug 1548 - Birth of Mary, daughter of KATHERINE PARR and THOMAS SEYMOUR at Sudeley Castle.


05 Sep 1548 - Death of KATHERINE PARR, after developing puerperal fever, following childbirth..


07 Sep 1548 - Funeral of KATHERINE PARR; first Protestant funeral held in English, with JANE GREY as chief mourner. Was buried in St Mary's Chapel, on the grounds of Sudeley Castle. 


Autumn 1548 - JANE GREY returns to family at Bradgate Hall following death of KATHERINE PARR; THOMAS SEYMOUR re-purchases wardship, and Jane returns to Sudeley Castle.


17 Jan 1549 - Arrest of THOMAS SEYMOUR, subsequently being charged with high treason and sentenced to death; JANE GREY returns to family at Bradgate Hall.


20 Mar 1549 - Execution (beheading) of THOMAS SEYMOUR at Tower Hill, following conviction of high treason; ownership of Sudeley Castle passed to William Parr, 1st Marquess of Northampton (Katherine Parr's brother)


Jul 1553 - William Parr arrested and charged with high treason (initially sentenced to death but later released), due to his involvement in JANE GREY being proclaimed Queen of England; was stripped of titles and land following conviction, including Sudeley Castle.

c.1572 - Mason and surveyor William Spicer, whilst being employed by ROBERT DUDLEY in the modernisation of Kenilworth Castle, provides advice regarding the rebuilding of Sudeley Castle - Spicer's influences can be seen in the outer court and gatehouse. 


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