
"died aged 8"

"died aged 7"


Countess of Huntingdon
c.1536- Birth of GUILDFORD DUDLEY, 4th surviving son of JOHN DUDLEY and wife JANE GUILDFORD. Exact date of birth unknown, but believed to be slightly older than wife JANE GREY (born c. Oct 1536-May 1537). Place of birth also unconfirmed - possibilities are London (as mother Jane was known to have attended to Queen JANE SEYMOUR).
1537 - JOHN DUDLEY purchases Dudley Castle from relative John Sutton; family known to have resided at Dudley for a time, with new buildings being erected in 1540.
Jun 1546 - Mother JANE GUILDFORD, as one of Queen KATHERINE PARR's ladies (and friends),, finds herself under scrutiny due to concern of religious reform , with father JOHN DUDLEY involved in preacher Anne Askew's interrogation (prior to her torture at Tower of London).
Jan 1547 - JOHN DUDLEY is identified by Henry VIII as being one of 16 councillors in his will whom he trusted in creating a 'Regency Council', to make decisions about English rule etc, whilst his 9yo son (soon to be EDWARD VI) is still underage; John Dudley is subsequently created EARL OF WARWICK, and granted Warwick Castle.
Oct 1549 - Fall of EDWARD SEYMOUR, Duke of Somerset as Lord Protector and Head of Regency Council; despite his role in his old friend's downfall, JOHN DUDLEY is subsequently appointed as head of the council, using title of 'Lord President' throughout his term.
11 Oct 1551 - Father JOHN DUDLEY is granted Dukedom of Northumberland.
1553 - Father JOHN DUDLEY is granted Kenilworth Castle, and starts making alterations/modernisations to it.
Apr 1553 - Marriage contract agreed for union between GUILDFORD DUDLEY and JANE GREY.
25 May 1553 - GUILDFORD DUDLEY marries JANE GREY at one of his father's houses, Durham House, on the Strand, London; Guildford becomes ill after the wedding, due to food poisoning, being physically unwell for 2 weeks.
May-Jun 1553 - JANE GREY returns to her parents home Suffolk Place, Southwark; however, she is soon recalled back to Durham Place and GUILDFORD DUDLEY when it is clear EDWARD VI's health is failing, with threats made by JANE GUILDFORD to 'keep Guildford from her' if she did not return.
Jun 1553 - EDWARD VI writes 'My devise for the succession', initially identifying the line of succession to 'L. Jane heires masles"; this was later amended to "and her", identifying JANE GREY as heir.
Jun 1553 - JANE GREY moves from Durham Place to Chelsea Manor at her request; reports that GUILDFORD DUDLEY was later present and the couple were 'reunited'.
06 Jul 1553 - EDWARD VI dies at Greenwich Palace; JANE GREY is recognised as Queen of England by the Privy Council (including JOHN DUDLEY and JOHN RUSSELL), although she is not immediately informed.
07 Jul 1553 - GUILDFORD DUDLEY, accompanied by mother JANE GUILDFORD arrive at Syon House; they are informed of EDWARD VI's death by JOHN DUDLEY and the subsequent plan for the implementation of his 'Device'.
09 Jul 1553 - JANE GREY is summoned to Syon House from Chelsea Manor by JOHN DUDLEY; she is greeted by members of the Dudley family, including GUILDFORD DUDLEY, and the Privy Council. Jane is informed of Edward VI's 'devise' and therefore offered the crown of England, which she accepts.
10 Jul 1553 - GUILDFORD DUDLEY, along with his mother JANE GUILDFORD and parents-in-law HENRY GREY and FRANCES BRANDON, accompany JANE GREY from Syon House to the Tower of London, where she formally takes custody of it; Jane Grey is proclaimed Queen of England later that day.
11 Jul 1553 - JANE GREY shown Crown Jewels, including the royal crown. Following a comment made about having another crown made for GUILDFORD DUDLEY (ie to be crowned king/co-monarch), Jane decided against this; however, whilst she informed some of the Privy Council, she agreed to sleep on her decision.
12 Jul 1553 - GUILDFORD DUDLEY informed of JANE GREY's decision not to have him crowned a King, but rather appointed a Duke. Reportedly an argument took place between the two, with further input from JANE GUILDFORD (reportedly advising to withhold marital relations to prevent conception of an heir).
13 Jul 1553 - JOHN DUDLEY, accompanied by sons JOHN DUDLEY, AMBROSE DUDLEY and Henry 'Harry' Dudley, take leave of 'Queen' JANE GREY, heading an army making their way to Norfolk, with the intent of capturing the Lady Mary.
19 Jul 1553 - Mary I is proclaimed Queen of England by the Privy Council, and JANE GREY is subsequently deposed; Jane, GUILDFORD DUDLEY and mother JANE DUDLEY are taken into custody in Tower of London, whilst most others (including Jane's parents) leave the Tower. Jane and Guildford are separated; Jane is held in the house of Nathaniel Parsons, a gentleman goaler on Tower Green, whilst Guildford is held in the Beauchamp Tower. Guildford's mother Jane, Duchess of Northumberland is soon released from the Tower.
25 Jul 1553 - JOHN DUDLEY, Duke of Northumberland, and sons John, Ambrose and Henry ('Harry') arrive in London, having been taken prisoner at Cambridge on 21 Jul.
26 Jul 1553 - ROBERT DUDLEY arrives as a prisoner at the Tower of London, having been arrested by Mary I's army at Framlingham Castle.
22 Aug 1553 - Father JOHN DUDLEY is executed by beheading on Tower Hill, having been found guilty of treason 4 days previously at his trial at Westminster Hall; his body is returned to the Tower of London, and buried in the chapel of St Peter ad Vincula.
13 Nov 1553 - GUILDFORD DUDLEY, and 3 of his brothers (JOHN DUDLEY, AMBROSE DUDLEY, Henry ('Harry') Dudley), wife JANE GREY and Thomas Cranmer taken to Guildhall, City of London for their trial; all are found guilty of treason, and are sentenced to death. The method of execution is commuted to beheadings, although initially there is no clear intent from Mary I for these sentences to be carried out; all prisoners are returned to the Tower of London.
10 Feb 1554 - HENRY GREY is arrested and taken to Tower of London, following his role in 'Wyatt's Rebellion'; he is later tried at Westminster Hall on 17 Feb 1554, where he is found guilty of treason, and executed on Tower Hill on 23 Feb 1554. This rebellion, including the involvement of JANE GREY's father and apparent ongoing support for the young woman, triggers Jane's and Guildford's executions.
12 Feb 1554 - GUILDFORD DUDLEY is executed by beheading on Tower Hill in morning of 12 Feb, having been led from the Beauchamp Tower to nearby Tower Hill; wife JANE GREY is similarly executed within grounds of Tower of London, with a scaffold erected on Tower Green; both are buried in Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula, within the Tower.