Tudor townhouse completed c.1575, sitting on the North Bank of The Strand, London.
Originally known as 'Leicester House', became official London residence of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester.Renamed 'Essex House' following death of Robert Dudley in 1588, and inheritance by step-son Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex.
Location of 'Essex Siege' in Feb 1601, following which Robert Devereux was arrested on charges of treason.​
c. 1575 - Completion of 'Leicester House', on the east end of the Strand, occupying the previous site of the 'Outer Temple'; becomes official London residence for ROBERT DUDLEY (and later wife LETTICE KNOLLYS).
06 Jun 1581 - Birth of ROBERT DUDLEY and LETTICE KNOLLYS' son Robert Dudley, Lord Denbigh, at Leicester House.
04 Sep 1588 - Death of ROBERT DUDLEY; ownership of Leicester House passes to ROBERT DEVEREUX as per his will - "my welbeloved Son in Law the Earl of Essex...not hurting the State of his Mother during her life".
c.Apr 1589 - Marriage of LETTICE KNOLLYS and CHRISTOPHER BLOUNT; known to have both resided at Leicester House following marriage.
1593 - LETTICE KNOLLYS relinquishes residence of Leicester House to son ROBERT DEVEREUX; is renamed "Essex House'. She continues to pay visits to Essex House when in London.
1593 - PENELOPE DEVEREUX is allocated chamber at Essex House; continues to conduct affair with Charles Blount, Lord Mountjoy here.
Late 1594 - Marriage of DOROTHY DEVEREUX to Henry Percy in London; entertainment/wedding festivities held at Essex House.
Jan 1598 - LETTICE KNOLLYS arrives from Drayton Bassett, Staffordshire, staying at Essex House, prior to attending Court for the first time since being banished in 1578.
Jan-Feb 1601 - Essex House is location for planned coup/'Essex Rebellion', involving conspirators including ROBERT DEVEREUX and CHRISTOPHER BLOUNT.
08 Feb 1601 - Conspirators march out from Essex House towards City of London in attempted rebellion/coup; are met by armed soldiers, and retreat to Essex House which is besieged by forces, later leading to surrender of participants, including ROBERT DEVEREUX and CHRISTOPHER BLOUNT.
25 Feb 1601 - Execution of ROBERT DEVEREUX at Tower of London; ownership of Essex House is passed to son Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex.
However, as his son is only 10 years old, Essex House is initially taken control of by his brother-in-law Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland, who makes use of the house.
29 Sep 1602 - Birth of Algernon Percy (later 10th Earl of Northumberland), third and eldest surviving son and heir of Henry Percy and wife DOROTHY DEVEREUX at Essex House.
04 Nov 1605 - Thomas Percy, kinsman of Henry Percy and known conspirator of the 'Gunpowder Plot', calls at Essex House, following a visit to Syon House; this was hours before the plot was foiled.